
Something in Store · 24 January 2013

I am not sure what God has in store for me with this whole new healthy living and daily writing regime, but I am sure He has something up His sleeve.

God always has a plan. I know that I am not always privy to that plan, but I know there is one. And it is always a good one. We just do not know it until we look back and see God’s unmistakable fingerprints all over our lives. That is why I call this new lifestyle of mine a God conspiracy. He has called me to healthier living and writing every day.

I understand being healthy. Our bodies are temples of God and we ought to take care of them. But I do not completely understand the daily writing and publishing thing. That is why I am sure God has some unknown plan.

Whenever I hear God calling me to something and I do it (even under protest or belatedly), I reap some reward. It is not always a tangible reward, but I get one. If I am supposed to write every day (six days a week), then there must be some reward. I must be getting something out of this besides getting a bit crazy and sleeping a little less. Then again, writing daily may be its own reward.

If having a daily writing routine is indeed my only reward, I am okay with that. It is a good reward in and of itself because it makes me feel like a real writer. And maybe that is the point. Still, I cannot help but think that this whole God conspiracy thing is part of a bigger plan. I cannot help but think that God has something up His sleeve.

© 2013 Michael T. Miyoshi

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  1. He always has a plan!

    — Josh Heinrich · Jan 24, 05:49 AM ·

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